Ajna Developments has announced the launch of its latest project, Eastville, located in New Cairo's Fifth Settlement. Spanning 20 acres with a total investment of 5 billion EGP, the project represents a strategic partnership with Dr. Ahmed Youssef...
Milestone Developments contracts with ACE Moharram.Bakhoum to enhance The Milestone Developments has announced a partnership with ACE Moharram.Bakhoum (headed by Prof. Mourad Michel Bakhoum). The firm will serve as the consultant for structural and electromechanical designs of the...
مع اقتراب الإفتتاح الرسمي للمتحف المصري الكبير تنطلق عدة من مشاريع ومبادرات ضخمة بدعم من الدولة من شأنها المساهمة فى تكوين عصر جديد للسياحة المصرية ببنية رقمية تلبى رغبات الوفود من مخلتف دول العالم وتوفير التعايش والاستماع الامثل...
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – Miskan Real Estate Company has signed a strategic MOU with Wadi Degla Developments during the region's leading real estate event, Cityscape Global 2024, to increase investments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This agreement...
أعلنت اليوم إي اف چي هيرميس، بنك الاستثمار التابع لمجموعة إي اف چي القابضة والرائد في أسواق الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، أن قطاع الترويج وتغطية الاكتتاب قد نجح في إتمام الخدمات الاستشارية للإصدار الثاني عشر لسندات توريق بقيمة...
التقى المستشار الاقتصادي أيمن حامد سليمان، رئيس مجموعة أيمن حامد سليمان، برفقة وفد من المجموعة، الدكتور أشرف صبحي وزير الشباب والرياضة، وذلك لبحث خطة المجموعة لتنفيذ وإدارة مشروع رياضي كبير بالعاصمة الإدارية الجديدة. من جانبه أكد المستشار الاقتصادي...
Dr. Mohamed Farouk, Chairman of WestWay Developments, said that the company is planning to pump investments worth 15 billion pounds into the Egyptian market during 2025, by entering into a number of major projects in West Cairo. He...
Engineers and Doctors Sub-Syndicates in Assiut, announced launching ELITE RESIDENCE project in partnership for members of both syndicates, which is an integrated residential project located on an area of 18.4 acres in New Nasser City - West Assiut...
Abdel Rahman Essam, AE Media production CEO, announced that his company succeded in cooperating with KANDEEL DEVELOPMENTS to become a major success partner in changing the company's new advertising identity, pointing that AE Media production prepared all the...
Remal Developments announced its first real estate project, WESTCLAY, strategically positioned in a prime location meticulously chosen by the company, highlighting its commitment to the importance of location in a project’s success. The company has partnered with a...